maternity leave in uae

Maternity leave in the UAE

Maternity leave UAE

Maternity leave comes right after a woman welcomes a new baby in her home. This is done in order to allow her the chance to nurse the baby for some time before resuming work. In the UAE, there’s no specific duration given to women who are to go on maternity leave. It depends on the sector (private or public) or the workplace. For entrepreneurs considering business setup in Dubai, understanding labor laws, including maternity leave policies, is essential when hiring employees. So this article will discuss what maternity leave in UAE for both the private and public sectors looks like.

Maternity leave in the UAE private sector 

Women working under the private sector are entitled to a 45 day maternity leave. It is only valid if you have worked for upto one year of continuous service as at the time of childbirth. With this, you are entitled to full maternity leave pay.

Also, a woman who hasn’t worked up one full year in a private sector is also entitled to 45 days maternity leave but with a half pay. For both scenarios, the maternity leave pay includes both the basic salary and allowance.

UAE maternity leave is calculated based on calendar days which also include weekends. Maternity leave may be taken before or after childbirth. 

Additionally, in a case where a woman experiences some health complications prior to or after delivery, she can take a sick leave. You’re entitled also to a paid sick leave if you have been in continuous permanent service for up to one year. But if you’re not up to one year in the private sector, you can still take the sick leave though it will be unpaid. Employees in private sectors are entitled to sick leave not exceeding 90 days whether taken consecutively or not.

For every year of an employee service in the private sector, the sick leave is calculated as follows:

  • First 15 days - paid in full
  • Following 30 days - paid in half
  • Any other period that follows - unpaid

Extension of maternity leave in UAE private sector

After the usual 45 days maternity leave, you can apply for the extension of the period should there be any medical condition or reason for that. This can be extended to 100 days of which you need to present a medical report or recommendation to validate the extension period.

You should also note that any additional period after the standard 45 days postnatal period remains unpaid. You can only be paid for the 45 days.
A female employee is entitled to an hour break each day for 18 months starting from the delivery date without any deduction from the remuneration. This is called a “paid breastfeeding break”.

Maternity leave and gratuity pay in UAE private sector

It’s interesting to know that the paid maternity leave period also is included in the service period for end of service benefits. But there’s currently no conclusion as to whether the additional 100 days of maternity leave equally count towards the service period for gratuity pay. However, in a situation when an employer grants a female employee more unpaid period for maternity purpose other than critical issues like health or pregnancy/delivery related complications, such period wouldn’t be counted towards the service period for gratuity pay.

Maternity leave in the UAE federal government

When compared to the private sector, the benefits that come with maternity leave in UAE for  government employees seem to be more generous. This is with regards to both the pay and the given duration. A female employee in the government sector occupying a permanent position is entitled to three months maternity leave with full salary remuneration.

This is based on the federal decree law on human resources . Additionally, for 4 months starting from the day the female employee resumes work, there will be 2 hours reduced work hours. She may choose to take the two hours at the beginning or towards the end of the usual working hours. This is to support her nursing journey as the baby grows.

Paternity leave UAE

Before we wrap up, it's good to also learn that male employees working both in government and private sectors are entitled to 3 days paternity leave when they welcome a child. This is to also give them the chance to spend time with the family for the first few days. If you wish to enjoy the best of the period when a child is welcome, you may choose to pick your annual leave towards the period. By this way, you will have enough time to support your spouse and do all that you planned .

It feels good knowing that you can actually be paid while spending your maternity leave in the UAE.

Click here to read on the government website about maternity and paternity leave in the UAE and the criteria for meeting the benefits.

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