Business support services in Dubai

LAST UPDATED: 10/06/2024

Business consultancy services in Dubai usually go beyond just consultancy. Consultancy normally results in company formation, which is just the beginning of the business journey.

Dubai bank account

Trusted business formation services in Dubai always include support with banking. Consultants will evaluate your case and suggest which banks you can apply to in order to get a positive outcome.

Bank accounts in UAE can be:

  • Corporate 
  • Personal 

All UAE banks have branches in Dubai. Your account will have a prestigious and recognized address and you will always be able to get customer services in any of the Dubai offices of the bank.

Offshore bank account

Dubai can be considered as an offshore banking jurisdiction. You can apply for your bank account of your overseas company in Dubai. However, it is advisable to open a local UAE company in order to get your account in a faster and easier way.

UAE non resident bank account

Being a resident of another country, you can still have your personal bank account opened in the UAE. You will be able to get a debit card and use it internationally to make payments and withdrawals.

Business advisory services in Dubai can be useful if you want to open such an account. You will have an overview of the banks and conditions of the application. Advisors will help your application to succeed.

Accounting and VAT consulting

Accounting services are becoming more and more demanded in the UAE. First of all, it is connected with the new corporate tax of 9% that was introduced in the country on June 1, 2023. Mainland and freezone companies with taxable income of AED 375,000 or more derived from activities in the UAE are now required to register with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA), submit annual tax returns, and keep accounting records. 

Secondly, companies who reach 375,000 AED turnover within the UAE pay 5% VAT and have to apply for a tax registration number and keep the books according to the Federal Tax Authority standards.

Emirabiz experts will study your case and advise you on all tax-related issues. Our team will prepare and submit your annual tax returns, help with accounting and tax optimization.

Online marketing and connecting with potential customers

The key question for any business is where it will source the clients. It is very important to have a website which will not only hang in the web but actually help to create leads and sell your services.

Networking in Dubai is another way to promote yourself. Dubai hosts lots of exhibitions and conferences, where potential clients and suppliers can find each other.

Business services in Dubai connected with online marketing can be provided by local setup advisors as a one-stop-shop solution for you.

Will registration

UAE has started registering the wills for non muslims. Now expats living in the UAE can protect their family wealth by making a non-muslim will in Dubai courts, Adu Dhabi judicial department or DIFC wills and probate registry.

Bank accounts, property, shares in businesses all that can be included into the will in order to avoid Shariah law.

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