Business setup in UAE free zones

Expo City Dubai Free Zone

verified by : Andrey Ovchinnikov

03 Apr 2024

Expo City Dubai is the youngest yet one of the most promising free zones in Dubai. Situated at the site of the renowned Expo 2020 international exhibition, it embodies the spirit of innovation and global collaboration.

Expo City is not just a hub for business but also boasts infrastructure that supports world-class events, making it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs globally.

Within the precincts of the Expo City Dubai free zone, businesses can establish a new company, set up a branch or a representative office. Some of the outstanding features and benefits of this free zone include:

  • Modern offices with exquisite interiors
  • A great selection of on-site dining options with various cafes and restaurants
  • Conveniently located within a 5-minute walk to the Expo 2020 metro station
  • Ample parking for both visitors and staff
  • Seamless transportation connectivity without traffic congestion
  • A commitment to environmental sustainability with a car-free principle
  • Essential amenities such as supermarkets and pharmacies within a 15-minute walk
  • A sprawling exhibition centre that draws event organizers and visitors from around the globe
  • Competitive pricing for business establishment and office rentals

In essence, Expo City Dubai is setting the pace as a futuristic mini-city and free zone poised to become a significant landmark in Dubai's landscape. Seize the opportunity to be at the forefront of this free zone by establishing your office in Expo City.

Top 10 questions about Expo City Dubai free zone company

  • Can I open a bank account remotely?

    Basically no, as a personal visit to the UAE is required as per the regulations of the UAE Central Bank. Local banks require this visit to verify the client's identity. However, some banks allow remote account opening through their digital bank applications or website.

  • Do banks give debit and credit cards or loans?

    In most cases, you can obtain a debit card for your newly opened company, especially if there is only one shareholder. However, a credit card is usually issued against a fixed deposit. As for loans, banks may consider your eligibility based on your company's operations and profits. It is recommended to apply for a loan after at least one year of company operations.

  • Can a free zone company have offices outside the free zone?

    Officially, the office of a free zone company should be located within the free zone where it is registered. However, if you need an office in Dubai, you have the option to rent space in a Business Center and use it on a flexible basis. It is important to note that the minimum required space (flexi desk) in the free zone cannot be canceled.

  • Why do I need a flexi desk or office?

    A flexi desk is a mandatory requirement for any company eligible for resident visas. It serves as the minimum physical office space that a company with individuals under its visa must have. Additionally, a flexi desk can facilitate bank account opening as banks require evidence of a company having some form of office or physical presence.

  • Do free zone companies need to pay VAT?

    VAT obligations depend not only on the place of registration but also on where the business activities take place. VAT becomes applicable when the taxable turnover reaches AED 375,000. If a free zone company's trading activities take place abroad, the turnover is not considered taxable as long as the goods or services are supplied outside the UAE. However, if the goods or services are supplied to customers within the UAE, the 5% VAT will be applicable.

  • Are there any other taxes to be paid?

    The UAE is free from personal income tax. However, there is a 5% import tax on goods brought into the country and a 5% VAT on trading or service transactions that occur within the UAE.

    On June 1, 2023, the UAE introduced 9% corporate tax, however, the UAE freezone companies that meet certain requirements as outlined by the Federal Tax Authority will be able to benefit from tax reliefs and possibly file the 0% corporate tax.

  • Why would a free zone company be better for me than an offshore or mainland entity?

    The suitability of a free zone company versus an offshore or mainland entity depends on your business model and requirements. However, a free zone setup offers advantages such as 100% foreign ownership, eligibility for resident visas, the ability to conduct business both within and outside the UAE, and greater favorability with banks compared to offshore companies. Additionally, free zones often offer a flexi desk option instead of executive offices, making it a cost-effective way to start a business without unnecessary obligations.

  • Can you guarantee the opening of a bank account?

    While we strive to make the account opening process as smooth as possible, we cannot guarantee the approval as it ultimately depends on the bank. Each case goes through several bank departments for approval, and the bank may contact you directly for clarifications. Providing a clear picture of your business to the bank increases the chances of successful account opening. We do our best to prepare you and your company for a smooth and fast account opening process.

  • When and how should I renew my company? How much does it cost?

    Your company should be renewed annually, and the cost is typically lower than the initial setup cost. The renewal fees depend on your company package, and you can obtain the price by downloading the Estimate from our website. Company renewal does not require the personal presence of the owner and can be done by your agent. After renewal, the new license must be presented to the bank to extend the bank account, which is included in our renewal service.

  • How can I pay the fees?

    You have multiple options for fee payment. You can make payments via bank transfer, cash, or online using a card.

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