What is the process for renewing a trade license for a company registered in Mainland Dubai?

The renewals department will be contacted, and assistance will be provided for the trade license renewal process.



Emirabiz Business Consultant

Grace O.

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FAQs about Emirabiz Services

The renewals department will be contacted, and assistance will be provided for the trade license renewal process.

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The cost of an e-commerce trade license in the UAE starts from a specified amount, with annual renewal required at the same rate. It is important to note that the total cost may vary based on specific requirements and additional services needed. Bank deposits vary from bank to bank and on a case-by-case basis.

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The 2-year golden visa is renewable every 2 years, allowing for continued residency in the UAE under the same visa category.

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To initiate the renewal of a trade license in the UAE, it is essential to provide specific details to connect with the appropriate specialist. Required information includes the registration location of the company, the method of registration (self-registered or through an agent), the presence of any corporate shareholders, the number of visa allocations or quotas, the number of business activities along with their respective lists, and the type of office the company operates from (virtual or physical).

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