The Emirabiz Blog

We help you to prepare for the start of UAE business: detailed tutorials, case studies and opinions from our advisors

  • oil companies in uae

    Oil and gas companies in the UAE

    Elena Ovchinnikova

    14 Sep 2022

    Before the discovery of oil in the UAE, the country’s major source of sustenance was fishing and trading. Also, they fished and traded pearls when it was in vogue. This all happened way back before the 1930s when it was a regular struggle to make a living. The discovery of oil in Abu Dhabi marked the start of the bright future for the UAE and since then, the country has been rapidly developing and flourishing.

  • how to get e dirham card

    How to get an e-Dirham card in the UAE?

    Andrey Ovchinnikov

    07 Sep 2022

    Have you ever come across the e-Dirham card in the UAE? Did you enjoy how smooth and hassle free the system is? Or you are yet to know what exactly the e-Dirham card means? You have come to the right place where everything about this secure payment option will be discussed.

  • dubai trading company list

    Top 10 trading companies in Dubai

    Elena Ovchinnikova

    28 Aug 2022

    Dating back to the era of oil discovery in Abu Dhabi, the UAE hasn’t ceased to progress rapidly in various sectors and making a great name for themselves. Dubai is an emirate in the UAE that is considered to be a commercial hub attracting millions of visitors every year. There’s a tremendous rise in commerce and trading, the real estate sector, import and export duties, just to mention a few. Based on the excellent commercial activities that take place in Dubai, many foreigners and local residents are willingly contributing to the thriving economy of the country. For entrepreneurs considering company setup in Dubai, the emirate offers vast opportunities in trading and commerce, with thousands of established businesses already operating successfully.

  • how to apply for family visa in uae

    UAE family visa rules and requirements

    Andrey Ovchinnikov

    21 Aug 2022

    The family residence visa in the UAE encourages families to live together in any emirate of the UAE. Visas for other family members may be under the residency visa of the principal sponsor. This means that either of the couple may sponsor a family visa by his or her company or as self-employed.

  • Opening food and beverage business in Dubai

    Opening F&B business in Dubai

    Elena Ovchinnikova

    11 Aug 2022

    Whether you are already in the restaurant industry or just want to try your hand at being a restaurateur, Dubai is one of the best places to start the Food & Beverage business.

  • petrol price in uae:july 2022

    Latest petrol prices in the UAE: July 2022

    Andrey Ovchinnikov

    05 Aug 2022

    The United Arab Emirates is one of the top countries determining world oil prices. Until 2015, the UAE gasoline prices were among the lowest in the Middle East region. Some time later, the situation on the oil market changed, which caused an increase in the cost of diesel fuel and gasoline in the country.

  • bounce cheque penalty in uae

    Сheque bounce in the UAE

    Elena Ovchinnikova

    02 Aug 2022

    Cheque issuance is considered one of the most preferred methods of payment in the UAE where bulk transactions are made. For example, rental payments, mortgage repayment as well as other one time payments involving huge amounts of money.

  • digital printing dubai

    List of printing companies in Dubai

    Andrey Ovchinnikov

    25 Jul 2022

    For various aspects of living, printing is somewhat inevitable so long as reading and writing exist. That is why there are printing companies dotted everywhere in the world to facilitate providing and receiving information aside from the spoken aspect.